500gr per 20kg bag Bos Gro.
Farm Store Biochar supercharged inoculant seed coating contains group I & J inoculant specific to legume seeds in our summer cover crop mixes. It is stablisised in biochar and has additional seed starting microbial sources to benefit all seed germination and initial establishment populating soil with diverse populations of viralent bacterial and fungal species.
Rather than making a traditional wet innoculation slurry, the Biochar carrier provides a housing for microbes enabling the ideal environment for vast microbial populations required for nitrogen fixation specific to legumes in Bos Gro cover crop mixes.
Particle size to match target legume seed size 3-6mm. Use dry or wet as required (mix with 1-2l water per bag if wetting). Allow up to 2 hours to innoculate prior to seeding.
*Note- SuperCHARge seed coating is required not only for enhanced germination rates but also for nodule formation on legume roots enabling nitrogen fixation. "Native" innoculations exist in many healthy soils however may not be specific to legumes in mix. (Group I, Group J).
Refrigerate innoculant for storage.